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Photo of Chris Hamon speaking

CEO Corner


At our Member Appreciation Days held this summer, we had nearly 1,000 people take part. Having opportunities to connect with our members and building personal relationships is what sets cooperatives apart from other utilities. Our employees live and work in your communities. We enjoy connecting with our neighbors and learning more about you. I value every conversation I had and take to heart the concerns that were shared with me.

A cooperative works its best when its members take the time to get involved. Soon, White River Valley Electric Cooperative’s Annual Meeting will be taking place on August 23 at 10 a.m. This year, members can lend their voices by selecting our Board of Directors August 5-16. With three open seats, you have a say in the direction of our organization. You can learn about each candidate on our website. We hope you will tune into our Annual Meeting broadcast on August 23 to learn more about what has been happening at WRVEC this past year and issues that could affect us all in the future.

One of the issues you will hear us talk about is the EPA’s recent decision to become a carbon-free power sector by 2035. This decision will ultimately shut down existing coal and natural gas plants without currently having a plan for alternative or reliable electricity production to back it up. If you paid attention to the news and what is happening in Europe, or even parts of our own country, this could change the way of life we have all come to expect. We are asking our members to make their voices heard by Congress. Please visit and send a letter to your representatives in Washington, D.C. asking them to stop the EPA from making these changes.

Now, more than ever your voice matters. Whether it is joining us for next year’s Member Appreciation Days, voting in the election, tuning into our Annual Meeting, or reaching out to your Congressperson about the EPA’s proposed changes – rural America has a voice, don’t be afraid to use it.