Annual Meeting
August 23, 2024 | 10 a.m.
85TH annual Meeting of members | Virtual FORMAT
Voting closed at 5 p.m. on August 16th.
Online: 1,921
Mail-In: 44
DISTRICT B- Taney County
James “Jim” Burns: 1,305
Keith Hock: 350
Andrew Lambert: 225
DISTRICT C- Christian county
Joey Glenn- 1,236
Martin Smith- 610
DISTRICT D- Douglas county
Neal Crum: 1,821
If you won a prize at the 2024 Annual Meeting, you will receive correspondence in the mail in the next few weeks. Bill credits will be applied within the next two billing cycles. The 2024 Prize Winners are as followed:
$850 in Free Electricity Norma J Strange, Kissee Mills $850 in Free Electricity Harold E Wallace, Isabella $850 in Free Electricity Wade Turner, Thornfield $850 in Free Electricity Katherine Hannawalt, Kirbyville $850 in Free Electricity Just Friends Boat Dock Assoc., Nixa $850 in Free Electricity Jeff Tatum, Ozark $850 in Free Electricity Annie Graff, Highlandville $850 in Free Electricity Ben F Fowler, Kimberling City $850 in Free Electricity Robbie D. Burke, Ozark $850 in Free Electricity Terry L Wilson, Ava $850 in Free Electricity for Watching the Meeting Live Shereen Campbell, Hollister -
This year’s annual meeting will occur on Friday, August 23rd, 2024, and be live-streamed from our website at 10 a.m. Members are encouraged to tune-in virtually. We will be providing a call-in option for those who do not use or have access to the Internet. Wi-Fi hot spots are available in each WRVEC office parking lot – but only WRVEC staff participating in the meeting, the Board, and nominees will be in physical attendance.
The voting window will open for two weeks, starting August 5th and running through August 16th. You can cast your ballot for board candidates during this time. Slated candidates will provide a brief biography, experience, education, and answers to cooperative/industry questions that will be featured in the Annual Meeting edition of the Rural Missouri (July). The information will also be highlighted on the Candidate Corner at whiteriver.org. Sharing transparent candidate information helps WRVEC members make an educated decision when it comes time to casting ballots in the election.
Even though we won’t see you in person, your engagement is vital to the success of this Cooperative. Voting options are available to accommodate everyone. Members will be able to cast votes online or request a ballot to be mailed directly to your home or business in a preaddressed, postage-paid return envelope. The Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives, a third-party, will securely handle the election. They will tally all votes and deliver the results during our virtual meeting.
The 2023 annual report will be sent directly to each member as an attachment to your Rural Missouri in July. We encourage you to send us questions through the Member Alliance Program if there are items of interest that our staff did not cover. Those questions, and any received live that day, will be addressed during the meeting.
The answers to your inquiries, the annual report, annual video update, and election results will all be made available on our website after the meeting. In addition, any member who votes in the election will be registered to win $850 in free electricity along with other prizes to be announced during the virtual meeting. Double your chance to win $850 in free electricity by voting in the election and watching the meeting live!
Members provided great feedback on our virtual meeting last year and your participation spoke volumes. We had the highest number of participating voters than any annual meeting held before! This is so important because it allows every member, regardless of your situation, a continued opportunity to play an active role in the Cooperative. Your engagement makes the convenient and cost-effective virtual format an excellent choice. We will continue delivering need-to-know information about your Cooperative while passing on the significant savings the virtual meeting provides.
The virtual meeting will be open to join up to 30 minutes early, and we will have a waiting room with closed captioning.
Join us virtually by visiting WhiteRiverMeeting.com
If you do not have internet access, you can dial toll-free to listen live: (833) 491-0328
Cooperative updates and the live election results will be delivered during the meeting. If you miss it that day, a video recording will be on our website the following week.
Voting members will receive a $10 bill credit and will also be entered in a draw for 10 $850 bill credits and other for prizes to celebrate 85 years.
Tune in LIVE for an additional entry for an $850 bill credit.
All 2023 documentation is sent out in the 2024 July/Annual Meeting edition of the Rural Missouri magazine. It is also accessible here:
WRVEC’s 2023 annual report is attached to the 2024 July edition of the Rural Missouri. The report highlights the Cooperative’s initiatives, projects, programs and other successes throughout the past year. View it here:
All candidates have been interviewed and vetted by the Cooperative’s Nominating Committee. Candidates provided answers to a series of questions for the Committee to evaluate the knowledge and experience that could be brought to the board room to benefit the Cooperative membership. Per our newest bylaw amendment, candidates were also asked to disclose any third-party campaign contributions for transparency.
The Nominating Committee of White River Valley Electric Cooperative met at WRVEC headquarters at 9:00 A.M. on May 23, 2024. Each candidate’s qualifications to serve as Board of Director were vetted by the Nominating Committee in accord with the Cooperative’s bylaws. After due consideration, the Committee put forth 2024 Board of Director nominations for Cooperative member consideration. Candidates are listed in order of preference and subject to each candidate’s continuing qualification to serve as Board of Director Members in accord with the Cooperative’s bylaws:
White River Valley Electric Cooperative does everything with our members in mind. You are not just customers, but members who own and control the organization. Voting is your right and responsibility as a member, and participation is key to our success.
The Bylaws, Governance, and Engagement Committee continues to help evaluate what we do at the Cooperative to provide best-in-class service for our members. This includes updating necessary bylaws and continuing to review our processes annually. We have been able to implement a great deal of efficiencies while providing additional value to members with the amendments that were passed in the last few elections.
The Bylaws, Governance, and Engagement Committee determined that we did not need to update any bylaws this year.
The voting window is open for 2 weeks: Aug. 5th-16th. VOTING CLOSES at 5 p.m. on august 16th.
Ballots will be cast for candidates in a two-week voting window open prior to the annual meeting. Results will be delivered live during the meeting. Qualified applicants have been vetted, and the slate of candidates were chosen by the nominating committee. Slated candidates provided a brief biography, experience, education, and answers to cooperative/industry questions that are featured in the Annual Meeting edition of the Rural Missouri (July). The information will also be highlighted on the Candidate Corner at whiteriver.org. Sharing candidate information with WRVEC members, gives them the information they need to make an educated decision when it comes to casting ballots in the election.
The 2024 Ballot will have:
- 3 Director Seats (vote)
- 2023 Reports & Financials (view)
Voting Details:
Candidates with the majority vote are elected to a director seat. What constitutes a vote? Each member number serves as one vote.
Members will get ONE ballot per Unique Membership Account Number. Each unique account number is assigned a Special PIN. Smarthub and Paperless users can find the same information on the electronic invoice.
For the security of our election, members must have the following to vote:
(Found on one of the last two billing statements- July/August)
- Unique Membership Acct Number
- Special PIN (location shown on image below)
- Name on Account
Verifying this information ensures the security of our elections.
Feel free to contact us if you have additional questions about your member number or finding it on your statement.
Mail-in ballot:
Mail -in ballots must be requested by August 9th at 5 p.m. All mail-in ballots must be postmarked by August 16, 2024, to be counted in the election.
Request online at whiteriver.amecvote.com
Request by phone at: 855-WRV-VOTE OR 855-978-8683
The following image is an example of where to find your PIN on your bill statement.
Members were encouraged to send in questions to be addressed during the meeting through our Member Alliance Program — the Cooperative’s direct pipeline to the Bylaws, Governance, and Engagement Committee. The committee was formed to evaluate best practices to continually improve the organization and help the Cooperative to better reach the membership. The answers to your questions, the annual report, the meeting video, and election results will all be made available on our website.