Safety Initiatives
WRVEC effectively implements programs, policies, and procedures to make safety the top priority of our employees.
All Ways Safe
You’ll probably begin noticing an addition to our trucks, uniforms and other WRVEC materials in the very near future. “All Ways Safe” is our new, internal communications and culture-building program to make sure that safety is always the top priority at White River Valley Electric Cooperative.
As members, we’re certain you join us in prioritizing the safety of all the employees who serve you — so many of them are your neighbors, friends and family! But you should also know that a safe cooperative is a more cost effective cooperative. Expenses related to workplace accidents and injuries can be huge. Keeping our employees safe is the right thing to do, and it is also key to fulfilling our mission to provide low-cost, safe and reliable energy to Southwest Missouri.
Commitment to Zero Contacts
Commitment to Zero Contacts was launched by NRECA in April 2018 to combat an alarming rate of serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs) among co-op lineworkers. The initiative works to reinforce the right behaviors and procedures and reduce the chance of future SIF cases. WRVEC is one of 480+ cooperatives around the country that have taken the pledge.
DART stands for “days away, restricted or transferred.” This safety metric is mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA. It helps employers determine how many workplace injuries and illnesses required employees to miss work, perform restricted work activities or transfer to another job within a calendar year. Calculating the DART rate allows executives, supervisors and safety personnel to identify safety issues in the workplace.