Local WRVEC Students Tour State Capitol

WRVEC CYCLE participants (Left to Right): William Beadle (Nixa), Kiya Barnes (Blue Eye), Aubrey Harr (Branson), Jadyn Gieber (Ava)
Branson, MO –
Youth from the Ozarks were among the 101 high school students from around the state who participated in the Missouri Electric Cooperative CYCLE (Cooperative Youth Conference and Leadership Experience). White River Valley Electric Cooperative sponsored local delegates Kiya Barnes (Blue Eye), William Beadle (Nixa), Aubrey Harr (Branson), and Jadyn Gieber (Ava).
The three-day event was held in Jefferson City July 19-21, 2023. It offered Missouri sophomores and juniors opportunities to learn what it’s like to serve in political leadership positions and get involved in community service.
CYCLE delegates took part in a variety of activities during the conference, ranging from learning from nationally known speakers, drafting proposed legislation, to bettering their individual leadership skills. Ava Student, Jadyn Gieber said about the trip, “The best part, by far, was debating a bill on the House floor.”
Other highlights of the conference included a live line demonstration and electric vehicle display, team building activities, and learning about careers at electric cooperatives. Students also had the opportunity to tour the Missouri State Capitol and the Missouri State Penitentiary.
To be eligible for the annual CYCLE Contest, students must (1) be a high school sophomore and attend a high school within WRVEC’s five-county service territory or (2) be home-schooled within WRVEC’s five-county service territory, be between 15-16 years of age, and be at a sophomore level equivalent. Their family does not need to be a member of the Cooperative, but they must attend a school in the service territory. Applications for the 2024 CYCLE Contest will be available next Spring.
For more information about CYCLE, visit www.whiteriver.org/community/youth-programs/cycle/.
White River Valley Electric Cooperative is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative dedicated to ensuring our members receive safe and reliable electric service in their homes and businesses across five southwest Missouri counties including Ozark, Taney, Stone, Christian and Douglas.